Themissionof Nelson Mandela Elementary is to provide quality instruction that demonstrates ALL scholars can learn and develop academically, emotionally, socially, and physically. Nelson Mandela Elementary is committed to maximizing the educational success of all scholars and bridging the learning and achievement gaps.
Top 6 Reasons to Choose Nelson Mandela Elementary
Family Engagement
Intentional and meaningful family engagement does more than just support the child; it lays the groundwork for a future where family, community, and learning are intricately linked.
Direct Reading Instruction
The science of reading with a phonics-based, direct, multidisciplinary approach to reading instruction, which results in strong reading outcomes, has been the cornerstone of our school.
Year-Round School
Mandela offers a year-round schedule that helps address the academic “summer slide” and provides extensive enrichment experiences for scholars in the summer months.
Violin for Every Child
Playing the violin creates positive learning outcomes, by improving reading comprehension, language, math, and attention skills. It also emphasizes practice and teamwork.
Required Recess
Play is essential to building a child’s social-emotional skills. Scholars at Mandela have three required recesses daily, and recess is treated equally to other academic practices.
Restorative Practices
Restorative practices and a consistent, responsive, social-emotional learning curriculum help scholars resolve conflicts and restore relationships in positive and peaceful ways.
Scholars start every day with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the quote from Nelson Mandela listed above and our own addition, "and I will change the world with my Hope, Strength, Service, Unity, Peace, and Wisdom". We do believe that education is the most powerful and effective way to change the world. Scholars and all members of the Mandela Team commit to that each and every day. The foundations were determined after taking the colors of the logo, which came from the South African flag, and exploring values associated with those colors. Although purple is not part of the logo, it has become a key school color.
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